In a competitive, ever changing digital world, the companies of tomorrow need to optimise what they have today – enabling them to work more productively, more profitably and more efficiently.
We help you manage the change you need to stay ahead of the game.
Closing the gap between IT and business strategy
Closing the gap between IT and business strategy
Change happens from the inside out. We offer a Business Process Assessment which looks at your business holistically and with the business need in mind. We then provide actionable suggestions to reduce your operational costs and help your business achieve maximum performance.
Through a structured, collaborative approach, we’ll assist you in:
Enable your workforce for success
The best systems in the world are no good without full buy-in and understanding from management and employees. Our experienced team offers implementation and change management solutions that assist you with rolling out the improved processes across the organisation.
Through our robust project and change management process, we will:
- Assist you with a process to execute the required change.
- Help create employee “buy-in” and clarity as to why change is necessary and what it will achieve.
- Build commitment across the organisation.
- Stay cognisant on what is currently done well, in order to capitalise on your current strengths and competitive advantage.
- Deliver change that results in a repeatable process with measurable results.
Building real and immediate competitive advantage
Building real and immediate competitive advantage
Wherever you are on your digital journey, we walk the path with you, bridging the gap between the past, present and future. We unlock the value in your processes, by creating a system that is integrated, seamless and performs optimally.
Digital transformation and automation enables your organisation to:
- Redundancy in tasks
- Overall operating costs
- Manual errors and the cost associated with fixing it
- Risk of loss of institutional knowledge from key employees
- Employee onboarding cost
- Perform work faster, with improved accuracy
- Improve customer experience
- Manual, time consuming and expensive tasks
Bridging the gap between past,
present and future
The world is constantly changing, and technology is at the forefront of that change. As businesses rush to keep up, they often end up with a diversity of less-than-optimal business processes and applications that do not work together. This creates technological silos across the organisation and, inevitably, more work.
We believe in integration not elimination. We use what’s working, update what isn’t and introduce the new when necessary to get your systems communicating again.
Presenting these disparate applications as one, will benefit your organisation by:
- Reducing cost.
- Improving operational efficiency and agility.
- Improving quality and consistency.
- Enabling meaningful insights for critical decisions.
Creating value from your information
Information has value. Mining that value, however, requires you to turn information into usable, accessible and quantifiable data. We help you understand and interpret the capabilities available in your business. We offer historical, current and predictive analytics that can be used to unearth meaningful insights into your business.
The need to present complex and competitive information to planners and decision makers requires a business intelligence (BI) system that combines operational data with analytical tools.
Benefits to your organisation include;
- Accurate data that is instantly available.
- Improving the timeliness and quality of inputs to the decision-making process.
Process before technology
A streamlined operational process that simply works.
Digital transformation is not all about technology. It’s about identifying the core company need first, then applying the right technology.
That’s why we seek to understand first. We seek to understand your challenges and identify your operational strengths and weaknesses. We then work strategically to develop policies, platforms and systems that will answer your very specific need.
Using insight and world leading tools, we create an integrated, streamlined system that fuels your business success.
Hands-on process management
Our process creates tangible
business results.
We understand that even the most advanced solution is useless without buy-in and understanding.
Working in partnership with key stakeholders, we create change from the inside out – not just implementing technological solutions, but creating policies and programs that help change and manage behaviours and mindsets.
World leading platforms
To get the job done right, first time, we have identified and partnered with world-beating technology to create and implement your transformation.
Docuware is a document management workflow automation platform that allows us to digitise and secure your information so that it can flow effortlessly between your decision makers – from anywhere, on any device, at any time.
Benefits include:
- Kick-off digitisation with one process and then expand as your business grows
- Focus employees on high-value, knowledge driven work by eliminating manual tasks
- Secure information to meet privacy and compliance needs
- Provide your team the information they need — any time, any place and from any device — to drive better decisions at the point of business need
An electronic signature service for face-to-face and remote scenarios that is easily integrated. Different signature methods can be combined in order to adapt to the needs of teams and individuals.
Quickly transform the way you do business with differentiated, industry-leading e-signature solutions.
Benefits include:
- Less paper / More savings
- Mobile work – from any place
- Faster work
- Easy integration
- Legal accompaniment
Benefits include:
- Direct access to documents
- File integrity
- Space-saving thanks to secure digital storage
Components Engine is a software solution for creating interactive 2D and 3D spare part catalogues. It enables you to create online, offline and hard copy format catalogues – easily and quickly.
Long-term relationships
Long-term relationships
Our partnerships are like our solutions – we work together as one, collaborative, integrated, extended system.
The nature of our work means that our relationships with clients must be based on trust and respect.
We don’t just do a job and leave, we get to know you and your business and work with you to create the solutions you need, and then back it up with world class support. For the long-term.
Integration not elimination
Progress is built on the foundation of previous success.
Which is why we don’t throw out the old to introduce the new. Instead, we work to integrate the two worlds seamlessly, bringing what you have in line with what you need.
This process allows us to give you significant wins with small changes along the way. Meaningful transformation takes time, and no business can afford to put things on hold until the process is complete.
That’s why we work to give you the competitive advantage that you need now while we work towards the full transformation.